Leaving The City To Live On The Land — Life On Promise View Acres

Life on Prairie View Acres Featured Image

Feels like we’re all having the same conversations. Like many families, we are leaving the city. Our grandparents and great grandparents migrated to big cities from the South, mostly looking for better jobs and “integration.” We’re over it.  Planning For The Next Generation Like many husbands, I have decided that the city, and all of its … Read more

Are You Really Ready To Buy Land? — Rhonda Burgess, Keep It Tiny

Many Black Christians want to buy land, but there are lots of

God’s people are waking up. There are too many solid Christian couples saying the same thing: Buy Land. Many of us grew up in the big city, running the streets, and watching tv.  Now, we’re wondering if staying in the city is the best idea for our children and grandchildren. Here’s why: Our Ancestors Told … Read more

Should Black Christian Families Start their Own Communities?

Black Christian families are wanderers.  We’re constantly searching for the right mix of peacefulness, wealth building, and good schools. Even when we buy settle-down homes, many of us are still transferring our kids to different schools and daycares looking for the right fit. We bounce to different jobs looking for the right fit. We struggle … Read more

Where Should Black Christian Families Live? —I.A.G. Farms

Where should black families live

It might be time for us to get out of these toxic cities. We need to pray about reverse migrating back to the rural areas where we can own land, grow food, and disconnect from the chaos. This whole city thing is just not working for a lot of us.  Reverend John Berry Meachum predicted … Read more

Imitating The Enemy: Do Black Men Hate Each Other?—Magic Johnson, Isaiah Thomas

Black slave overseer, torturing a fellow slave in front of the man's family

The Apostle John warned us about the importance of unity—with Christ and each other.  If we are not united to Christ, we can’t be united with each other.  Jesus himself even warns us in Matthew 10:34 that following him will bring division. But that division should be between those who follow Him and those who … Read more