Steward Your Paycheck: What To Do When You Get Paid — Smart Money Bro

Smart Money Bro what to do with your paycheck

No matter how big your paycheck is, if you don’t steward it properly, you will be broke. Even if racism disappeared tomorrow and Black Americans were able to eliminate every wealth disparity, we’d still need to have discipline with our money.   Despite being 13.4% of the US population, Black households accounted for [about] 10% of … Read more

Colorism & Why Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs — Rev. Augustus Corbett

Why do Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs

Solid Black men have always preferred Black women with natural beauty—hair, bodies, face, everything. We love all shades, hair textures, and body types. I believe that the problem is that too many of our women have allowed the media to promote colorism and influence their beauty standards.   They look at the wrong Black men to … Read more

Ladies, Do You Bash Your Husband? — Olivia Alexa, Bindi Marc

Bindi Marc, Olivia Alexa set wives straight on bashing husbands

In the early years of my marriage, I was so guilty of this. My marriage started off rough, because my husband lost his job a few months before our wedding. I thought this would be a brief stint, but three years passed before he was full-time employed again.  I was disappointed. He was deflated. My … Read more

The Real Reason Black Christians Get Divorced — Allen Parr, Lisa Fields, Truth Unedited

Black Christian Couples get divorced because of biblical illiteracy

My wife and I got married just before we both turned 29. We went to a lot of weddings around that time.  Then, a few years later, we started getting the bad news: So-and-so was getting a divorce. Then, another couple was getting a divorce. Then another.  Some of them got divorced so fast that … Read more

Should Black Christian Families Start their Own Communities?

Black Christian families are wanderers.  We’re constantly searching for the right mix of peacefulness, wealth building, and good schools. Even when we buy settle-down homes, many of us are still transferring our kids to different schools and daycares looking for the right fit. We bounce to different jobs looking for the right fit. We struggle … Read more

Should Christian Women Break Up with Beyoncé?— Allen Parr, Jackie Hill Perry

Beyonce is now promoting witchcraft. Christian women need to break up with her music

As we mature in our relationship with Christ, we should shut down anything that mocks him.  It’s time for Christian women to do that with Beyonce. We tolerate her promoting sexual attention seeking, feminism, vulgarity, and materialism. Now, we’re tolerating her promotion of witchcraft and mockery of a holy God. This is the same holy … Read more

Should Wives Submit to Abuse? — Eshon Burgundy

Eshon Burgundy shares a message on submission from 1 Peter 3

I hate to think how many women have sat in church pews hearing a stern message about submission only to go home and have their husbands physically and emotionally abuse them,  citing those same verses. The church has done a terrible job addressing this. Just terrible.  Perverted Scripture Means Perverted Submission In Ephesians 5, Paul … Read more

How Is This Family Living Debt-Free, Homeschooling, & Traveling?

How Is This Family Living Debt-Free, Homeschooling, & Traveling?

We have been bamboozled.  Past generations have told us that the dream is the big house (with a huge mortgage), a fancy job (that stresses us out), and 2.5 kids (that we only see on weekends). This lifestyle is causing conflict in our marriages, ruining our finances, and diminishing our relationships with our kids.  Most … Read more

Do Christians Have Realistic Expectations For Sex? — Preston & Jackie Hill Perry

Most of us have never seen a healthy depiction of sex in marriage.  In movies, it’s always fornication or recreation. In music, it’s passion-driven lust, especially if you like 90s R&B. Or we use our pre-marriage sex experiences as a reference point, even though those relationships are no where near the intensity of marriage. Then, we … Read more