Steward Your Paycheck: What To Do When You Get Paid — Smart Money Bro

Smart Money Bro what to do with your paycheck

No matter how big your paycheck is, if you don’t steward it properly, you will be broke. Even if racism disappeared tomorrow and Black Americans were able to eliminate every wealth disparity, we’d still need to have discipline with our money.   Despite being 13.4% of the US population, Black households accounted for [about] 10% of … Read more

The Cheat Code For Black-Owned Businesses — Myron Golden

Myron Golden helps business owners reach success

The aspect of Yahweh that astounds me the most is His meticulous systems. When he created the Earth, he created a system for all of his creatures to form and function. These systems are so specific, so detailed, we have a mega-field of study — called sciences— to figure this thing out.  He did the … Read more

Mo Money No Problem: Are Your Relatives Causing Money Problems?—Jade Warshaw, Kobe Bryant

Young black man stressed about money

The most important earthly relationship you have is with your spouse. This one is more important than your relationship with your mama, your daddy, your grandmama, even with your children.  One of the major things that brings division is relatives trying to drain your money.  If you don’t put boundaries on the loans, the handouts, … Read more

How To Make Your Son A Millionaire Before 18—Melanin Money

Father and son playing chess

Here’s a code Black fathers should commit to:  We will position our sons to be providers.  Many of us have struggled with streaks of unemployment and low cashflow that forced our wives to be the providers. We’ve handcuffed ourselves to mortgage debt. We’ve delayed our income generation with an extended discovery period to figure out … Read more

Are You Guys In The Two-Income Trap?— His & Her Money

His and Her Money talks about the two-income trap

There’s this lie that says families are better off if both mom and dad work. It’s called the two-income trap. It’s a trap because we set up our lives relying on two incomes, usually to pay debt—then life happens.  Someone gets sick or loses their job. Now, we’ve got all these bills and only half … Read more

Buy Now, Pay Later: Should You Finance Dinner & Drinks? — Jade Warshaw

Jade Warshaw on staying out of stupid debt

I only have three allergies: pistachios, cashews, and debt.  I had a credit card once in college and messed it up. I dealt with the collection agency harassment and all that junk. Then, I decided that I’m a cash-only girl.  That means no car notes, no credit cards, not even lines of credit. Even as … Read more

What Is The Best Way To Manage Business Finances? — Profit First, Susanne Mariga

Black man owns a coffee shop

One of the ways to keep people out is to make stuff too complicated. That’s how I felt about business finances. It’s complicated for no reason, and only a select few who can do the mental gymnastics of understanding our country’s ridiculous tax code and generally accepted accounting principles can navigate.  The problem is that … Read more