The Cheat Code For Black-Owned Businesses — Myron Golden

Myron Golden helps business owners reach success

The aspect of Yahweh that astounds me the most is His meticulous systems. When he created the Earth, he created a system for all of his creatures to form and function. These systems are so specific, so detailed, we have a mega-field of study — called sciences— to figure this thing out.  He did the … Read more

Should Black Christian Families Start their Own Communities?

Black Christian families are wanderers.  We’re constantly searching for the right mix of peacefulness, wealth building, and good schools. Even when we buy settle-down homes, many of us are still transferring our kids to different schools and daycares looking for the right fit. We bounce to different jobs looking for the right fit. We struggle … Read more

Are You Guys In The Two-Income Trap?— His & Her Money

His and Her Money talks about the two-income trap

There’s this lie that says families are better off if both mom and dad work. It’s called the two-income trap. It’s a trap because we set up our lives relying on two incomes, usually to pay debt—then life happens.  Someone gets sick or loses their job. Now, we’ve got all these bills and only half … Read more

How To Grind In Your Business — Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur

Black woman business owner looking overwhelmed, overworked, and under paid

The world has its own view on how entrepreneurs should grow their businesses. The world says work night and day. Sacrifice everything — your children, your health, your marriage, whatever it takes.  Our culture applauds business people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and other foolish rich men with broken families and big bank accounts.  Even … Read more

Should Ex-Offenders Apply for Jobs or Start Businesses?

ex-con, career, entrepreneur, black man, injustice

Scripture sets a high bar for men and their roles as providers.  Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. —1 Timothy 5:8 When we … Read more

What Is The Best Way To Manage Business Finances? — Profit First, Susanne Mariga

Black man owns a coffee shop

One of the ways to keep people out is to make stuff too complicated. That’s how I felt about business finances. It’s complicated for no reason, and only a select few who can do the mental gymnastics of understanding our country’s ridiculous tax code and generally accepted accounting principles can navigate.  The problem is that … Read more