Steward Your Paycheck: What To Do When You Get Paid — Smart Money Bro

Smart Money Bro what to do with your paycheck

No matter how big your paycheck is, if you don’t steward it properly, you will be broke. Even if racism disappeared tomorrow and Black Americans were able to eliminate every wealth disparity, we’d still need to have discipline with our money.   Despite being 13.4% of the US population, Black households accounted for [about] 10% of … Read more

Colorism & Why Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs — Rev. Augustus Corbett

Why do Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs

Solid Black men have always preferred Black women with natural beauty—hair, bodies, face, everything. We love all shades, hair textures, and body types. I believe that the problem is that too many of our women have allowed the media to promote colorism and influence their beauty standards.   They look at the wrong Black men to … Read more

Mo Money No Problem: Are Your Relatives Causing Money Problems?—Jade Warshaw, Kobe Bryant

Young black man stressed about money

The most important earthly relationship you have is with your spouse. This one is more important than your relationship with your mama, your daddy, your grandmama, even with your children.  One of the major things that brings division is relatives trying to drain your money.  If you don’t put boundaries on the loans, the handouts, … Read more

Polygyny: Can Men Have 2 Wives? — Cam Newton, Jude 3 Project

There’s a crop of Black men who insist on believing that the Bible allows polygyny, which means men can have multiple wives simultaneously. They mostly point to King David and his son Solomon and say, “See, look. Told you.” If we want to create marriages that are designed by scripture, we have to look at … Read more

The Real Reason Black Christians Get Divorced — Allen Parr, Lisa Fields, Truth Unedited

Black Christian Couples get divorced because of biblical illiteracy

My wife and I got married just before we both turned 29. We went to a lot of weddings around that time.  Then, a few years later, we started getting the bad news: So-and-so was getting a divorce. Then, another couple was getting a divorce. Then another.  Some of them got divorced so fast that … Read more

Should Black Christian Families Start their Own Communities?

Black Christian families are wanderers.  We’re constantly searching for the right mix of peacefulness, wealth building, and good schools. Even when we buy settle-down homes, many of us are still transferring our kids to different schools and daycares looking for the right fit. We bounce to different jobs looking for the right fit. We struggle … Read more

Should Black Men Take Over the Trades? — Part 1: Our Ancestors Warned Us

Black students learn shoemaking in 1898

One of the key commitments Meachum Village wants Black Christian men to make is this: We will position ourselves and our sons to be our families’ primary providers.  In 1 Timothy 5:8, the Apostle Paul says “Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide … Read more

Where Should Black Christian Families Live? —I.A.G. Farms

Where should black families live

It might be time for us to get out of these toxic cities. We need to pray about reverse migrating back to the rural areas where we can own land, grow food, and disconnect from the chaos. This whole city thing is just not working for a lot of us.  Reverend John Berry Meachum predicted … Read more

Should Black Men Take Over the Trades? —Part 2: The Door Is Open

In Part 1, I went through the history of how Black men relied on the trades for freedom and how we let those skills go.  Now, I want to talk about why I think it’s important for us—and our sons and nephews—to get back to carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and other trades.  If you were … Read more