Should Black Men Take Over the Trades? — Part 1: Our Ancestors Warned Us

Black students learn shoemaking in 1898

One of the key commitments Meachum Village wants Black Christian men to make is this: We will position ourselves and our sons to be our families’ primary providers.  In 1 Timothy 5:8, the Apostle Paul says “Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide … Read more

Where Should Black Christian Families Live? —I.A.G. Farms

Where should black families live

It might be time for us to get out of these toxic cities. We need to pray about reverse migrating back to the rural areas where we can own land, grow food, and disconnect from the chaos. This whole city thing is just not working for a lot of us.  Reverend John Berry Meachum predicted … Read more