Should Black Men Take Over the Trades? —Part 2: The Door Is Open

In Part 1, I went through the history of how Black men relied on the trades for freedom and how we let those skills go.  Now, I want to talk about why I think it’s important for us—and our sons and nephews—to get back to carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and other trades.  If you were … Read more

Should Christian Men Join the Red Pill Black Manosphere? — The Shumake Way, Preston Perry, Ezekkiel Azonwu

If you’ve heard of the red pill guys, passport bros, the manosphere, or Kevin Samuels, then you are at least familiar with the Black manosphere.  These men appear to have noble values because they give a lot of facts, especially about how modern feminism has harmed men:  These stats show that men can be victims, … Read more

Should Wives Submit to Abuse? — Eshon Burgundy

Eshon Burgundy shares a message on submission from 1 Peter 3

I hate to think how many women have sat in church pews hearing a stern message about submission only to go home and have their husbands physically and emotionally abuse them,  citing those same verses. The church has done a terrible job addressing this. Just terrible.  Perverted Scripture Means Perverted Submission In Ephesians 5, Paul … Read more

Imitating The Enemy: Do Black Men Hate Each Other?—Magic Johnson, Isaiah Thomas

Black slave overseer, torturing a fellow slave in front of the man's family

The Apostle John warned us about the importance of unity—with Christ and each other.  If we are not united to Christ, we can’t be united with each other.  Jesus himself even warns us in Matthew 10:34 that following him will bring division. But that division should be between those who follow Him and those who … Read more

How Is This Family Living Debt-Free, Homeschooling, & Traveling?

How Is This Family Living Debt-Free, Homeschooling, & Traveling?

We have been bamboozled.  Past generations have told us that the dream is the big house (with a huge mortgage), a fancy job (that stresses us out), and 2.5 kids (that we only see on weekends). This lifestyle is causing conflict in our marriages, ruining our finances, and diminishing our relationships with our kids.  Most … Read more

“Grow Your Groceries, So We Won’t Need Them” — Homestead Heart, Becoming A Farm Girl (or Guy), More Than Farmers

Grow your groceries so we won't need them, becoming a farm girl image.

The pandemic showed us that if we continue depending on the food industry and big box stores, we might starve. We saw the empty shelves, the high prices, and the vaccine requirements for restaurants.  Part of being a follower of Christ is being set apart from the systems of this world (Ephesians 6). That means … Read more

Do Christians Have Realistic Expectations For Sex? — Preston & Jackie Hill Perry

Most of us have never seen a healthy depiction of sex in marriage.  In movies, it’s always fornication or recreation. In music, it’s passion-driven lust, especially if you like 90s R&B. Or we use our pre-marriage sex experiences as a reference point, even though those relationships are no where near the intensity of marriage. Then, we … Read more

What’s Behind the War on Black Men? — TruthUnedited

What’s Behind the War on Black Men

At Meachum Village, we know that God has provision for his chosen people. So, we take a position of extreme collective accountability for the state of our people.  That means, at some point, we as a collective group of Black men have to ask ourselves why does every trap set for us work so well?  … Read more

How Should Christian Men & Women Act? — Dr. Voddie Baucham

Black men and women are terrible at selecting the right people

I am convinced that the primary reason why Black Christians end up in high-conflict marriages or in divorce court is that we are terrible at the selection process.  The qualities we look for are totally different from what scripture tells us to look for.  Source: Davian Chester, The people we become as husbands and … Read more