Colorism & Why Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs — Rev. Augustus Corbett

Why do Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs

Solid Black men have always preferred Black women with natural beauty—hair, bodies, face, everything. We love all shades, hair textures, and body types. I believe that the problem is that too many of our women have allowed the media to promote colorism and influence their beauty standards.   They look at the wrong Black men to … Read more

Polygyny: Can Men Have 2 Wives? — Cam Newton, Jude 3 Project

There’s a crop of Black men who insist on believing that the Bible allows polygyny, which means men can have multiple wives simultaneously. They mostly point to King David and his son Solomon and say, “See, look. Told you.” If we want to create marriages that are designed by scripture, we have to look at … Read more

Should Christian Men Join the Red Pill Black Manosphere? — The Shumake Way, Preston Perry, Ezekkiel Azonwu

If you’ve heard of the red pill guys, passport bros, the manosphere, or Kevin Samuels, then you are at least familiar with the Black manosphere.  These men appear to have noble values because they give a lot of facts, especially about how modern feminism has harmed men:  These stats show that men can be victims, … Read more

Do Christians Have Realistic Expectations For Sex? — Preston & Jackie Hill Perry

Most of us have never seen a healthy depiction of sex in marriage.  In movies, it’s always fornication or recreation. In music, it’s passion-driven lust, especially if you like 90s R&B. Or we use our pre-marriage sex experiences as a reference point, even though those relationships are no where near the intensity of marriage. Then, we … Read more

Can Christian Couples Have Freaky Sex? — Karolyne Roberts

Can Christians have freaky sex

I remember having a conversation about sex with a Christian friend who was a leader in her church. I was shocked when she said: Here’s How Bad Sex in Marriage Violates Scripture First of all, Paul tells us as married people not to deny each other sex. If scripture is our final authority, that means … Read more

How Should Christian Men & Women Act? — Dr. Voddie Baucham

Black men and women are terrible at selecting the right people

I am convinced that the primary reason why Black Christians end up in high-conflict marriages or in divorce court is that we are terrible at the selection process.  The qualities we look for are totally different from what scripture tells us to look for.  Source: Davian Chester, The people we become as husbands and … Read more

Does Divorce Hurt Children In The Long Run? — Allen Parr

Divorce is one of those topics that scripture is clear on, yet many Christians decide to do something else. Like 2+2 equals 4, but some of us just prefer 5.  79% of Black Americans identify as Christians, yet we’ve had a higher divorce rate than any other ethnic group since the 1970s. Our ancestors’ first … Read more

Should Christian Moms Have Careers? — Bindi Marc

Should a wife and mother work by Bindi Marc

Raise your hand if you realize this whole climb the ladder, working mom thing isn’t, well, working.  Too many Black Christian women are overscheduled and overweight. We’re behind on the bills and burned out. We give the first fruits to our jobs and also get fired.  When we finally do spend time with our husbands … Read more

Why Is Marriage So Important To God? — Dr. Voddie Baucham

We have lost sight of how important marriage is to God and to our people. For one: We’re not getting married as much as 50 years ago, and it was already bad then.  In 1970, 35.6% of Black men and 27.7% of Black women were never married. By 2020, 51.4% of Black men and 47.5% of … Read more