Black Men: Do You Know Satan’s Main Plays? 

If you were about to play NBA finals, would you watch the other team’s past games to prepare for the game? Would you study their go-to moves and come up with ways to stop them?  Or would you play with your fingers crossed that natural instincts will get you the win.  No. You wouldn’t.  But, … Read more

Colorism & Why Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs — Rev. Augustus Corbett

Why do Black Women Wear Weaves & Wigs

Solid Black men have always preferred Black women with natural beauty—hair, bodies, face, everything. We love all shades, hair textures, and body types. I believe that the problem is that too many of our women have allowed the media to promote colorism and influence their beauty standards.   They look at the wrong Black men to … Read more